It's quite funny that CNBC published a press release statement article through Reuters on their website that started a market panic. I then noticed only a half hour later they deleted the release completely. Earlier today at 10:26 AM our treasury secretary Timothy Geithner said that if US congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling that we will default by March 31st of 2011. My friends, family, and colleagues that is only 1 month and 3 weeks away. All I have to say is get ready for the big panic that Wall Street is about to endure. If Congress doesn't act or put some type of statement out soon, I am betting that a large panic is about to occur. I am shorting just about everything I can get my hands on. For the rest of you stupid chart trading technical analysts, I will see your accounts marginally lower. Good day!
Timothy Geithner press release
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
What is The Venus Project?
It's useless to criticize the culture without providing alternatives. The Venus Project proposes plans for social change that work toward a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative social design where human rights are not just paper proclamations, but a way of life. The Venus Project has a vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know to achieve a sustainable world civilization. It calls for a scientific redesign of our culture in which war, poverty, hunger, debt, and unnecessary human, suffering are viewed as not only avoidable, but unacceptable. Anything less will result in a disastrous continuation of the problems inherent in today's world.
Simply stated, a resource-based economy focuses on resources rather than money, and provides an equitable distribution thereof in a humane and efficient manner. It is a system in which goods and services are available without the use of money, credit, barter, debt, or servitude.
The first objective is to eliminate scarcity. A resource-based economy overcomes scarcity by using renewable sources of energy, plus computerized automated manufacturing and inventory. It would design safe energy-efficient cities with advanced transportation systems, and would provide universal health care and more relevant education.
The aim of this new social design is to encourage an incentive system based on human and environmental concerns, and to avoid the shallow and self-centered goals of individual wealth, property, and power. These new incentives would help people evolve self-fulfillment and creativity, both materially and spiritually.
Simply stated, a resource-based economy focuses on resources rather than money, and provides an equitable distribution thereof in a humane and efficient manner. It is a system in which goods and services are available without the use of money, credit, barter, debt, or servitude.
The first objective is to eliminate scarcity. A resource-based economy overcomes scarcity by using renewable sources of energy, plus computerized automated manufacturing and inventory. It would design safe energy-efficient cities with advanced transportation systems, and would provide universal health care and more relevant education.
The aim of this new social design is to encourage an incentive system based on human and environmental concerns, and to avoid the shallow and self-centered goals of individual wealth, property, and power. These new incentives would help people evolve self-fulfillment and creativity, both materially and spiritually.
Technical Analysts have a gift of losing
I love when you have traders come out on TV and over the damn internets and talk about how the market is overbought. First off, these guys don't have a damn clue about how markets operate. Prices don't know they are overbought or oversold. There is no such thing because prices are not objective. (Although in the eyes of a chartist it appears that way when they talk about things like a $50 price level and $100 level. It's as if these things are the reasons why a company is succeeding outside of the stock market. Remember that the stock market exists because companies are doing business, not the other way around. So how can prices ever matter?) There is a certain sentiment/psychology taking place in the markets and the charts are deaf, dumb and blind. Too bad most newbies get persuaded into thinking that Technical Analysts are these smart men because today the practice has so many terms and people following it, that it sounds more convincing than listening to an old fashioned CFO about his company, or monitoring the news and economy as you hear it. Newbies are being misled by other failures who now teach what they never could successfully do themselves. Just to make a point, think about how many technical analysts were talking jibberish and chart nonsense at these times in history.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Momentum is the root cause of a stock's surge in price?

Larger companies like AAPL and CMG, although high flying stocks by nature due to elements I won't talk about here, are excluded from this example because I want to make a point about stocks that have smaller market caps and can be moved inside of a decision made by one decent fund. But I won't use a stock example that trades under a $1,000,000 per day in dollar volume because of the wide spreads between the bids and offers that can make the stock seem tradeable to the naked eye but experience will show you that being able to step in front of large orders that are sometimes placed in a blink of an eye are not realistic.
Let's say company XYZ trades 3 million dollar shares a day. Hedge fund ABC gets a note from an insider or friend that company XYZ has good news and numbers coming out next week. Hedge fund ABC decides that they will invest $30 million dollars in company XYZ but they don't wish to do it all in one day since it might be difficult to maintain the attractive $5 dollars a share they wish to recieve. (Just remember that this example so far alone already debunks the idea that stocks move up based on momentum but instead some logical, or in some cases illogical factors based on hope, trust and deception) They also decide that if it takes longer than a week to acquire these shares then they risk rumors and other insiders getting the information and the price may get away from them as the super computer algorithms and the nosey ass quant strategies begin to take advantage of these alarming statistics when the fund begins its first day of operations.
So the fund begins its buying and the order is placed with a specialist who tries to buy the first $10 million dollars worth on Monday which brings that day's volume naturally to 5 million shares. Now lets say the fund was able to acquire his shares anywhere between $5 - $5.35 that day. Now the end of the day brainwashed day traders begin their systematic scans of stocks up 5% on the day and 75% increase the average volume. Now the degenerate gamblers are ready. Company XYZ opens up at $5.40 the next day due to macro market factors and some specifically interested pre(Lets keep something in mind here and that's that these smaller company's numbers are a lot more unpredictable since coverage of such companies and their sources of revenue can be less consistent. These small companies will sell stock at times in an attempt to help polish their balance sheets and the whole concept is just a mess imo and you can never trust their numbers unless you've truly done your homework, in which none of this buying would be a surprise or a guess anyway.) They must make this trade since the commitment to ideas and emotions are not isolated to individual trading minds alone. So the stock hits $5.50 Tuesday afternoon with above average volume coming from many sources but still none from fund ABC. The close is getting near and the opportunity is slipping away. The fund moves in with $100,000 clip buys every 10 min for the last three hours of trading to meet their quota. By then the price is moving up in .10 increments making it harder for the fund to continue their high probable idea since they know the unexpected news and numbers coming out in the next week are trying to be anticipated by those who are trying to buy the stock based on many different rumors and ideas, we call these guys over-night traders. So in hopes fund ABC being able to get their $45 million dollar investment (which btw if your smart enough to do your due diligence you'll probably learn that the fund is actually getting paid and reimbursed for purchasing common shares of company XYZ through some type of scheme one way or another) it decides to not take breaks in their buying because now they think the rumors are spreading like wildfire and the price can only go higher from here. The rest of the price move becomes history as daytraders and computers all over the world try to front run and guess what will happen next using nothing more than math and lines on a chart. So the idiotic reason these daytraders are buying have nothing to do with higher prices, so their disillusioned drawings were mere coincidences.
Just remember how easy it is for the fund to pull the plug and stop buying at any moment which would make the move more unpredictable since it wasn't based on anything solid. Therefore if momentum was to be considered as a valid theory or trading strategy one would have to assume that prices would need exact calculations based on laws such as the law of gravity. And since humans cannot be defined to one set of rules because we're emotional and our decisions can vary based on unpredictable emotional factors its fair to conclude that momentum is nothing more than an idea. To make my point clear, what I'm trying to say is that momentum is an affect and impossible to understand in a stand alone fashion. So the idea that your trading off of momentum is nothing more than a mere idea and a guess.
P.S. Just about 2 years ago when you use to type in the words "stock charts" in google there were probably only a couple hundred thousand results. Now 23 million! We now have a society of less intelligent investors ignoring information and news and now more charts that will help them predict the future. LMFAO!
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